Sunday 6 April 2014

Ghostwoods Books

[Professor Farnsworth voice] Good news everyone!

Blood Rose, or, to give its more probable title(s): Those Rosy Hours (at Mazenderan), has been picked up for print and e-distribution by Ghostwoods Books.

I have literally just signed the contract, and I'm extremely excited to be working with them.

This is an excellent result for seven months' worth of tippety tapping, and Ghostwoods are the first fair trade publisher I have ever heard of. Hopefully a trend that will spread throughout the arts industries.

This doesn't mean that I have left Green Sunset Books, you can still find me there too.

Since May 2013 I've been documenting the process of writing this novel, and you can read along via the Novel Idea tab at the top.

I will write more of an explanation of how the manuscript got from first edit to publishing contract shortly, but for now I just wanted to share this fantastic news.

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