Friday 27 March 2015

Without Words

Me (far left), Ann & Kim
Without Words

Ahem. I've just been featured on Reading University's Alumni Profiles.

In honour of which, here's a couple of embarrassing photos.

That's me performing street theatre on Reading High Street circa 2001/2. It was part of a Deaf Theatre undergrad course so we used a mixture of sign language and physical theatre techniques - hence Without Words.

Me 'n' Graeme
Any excuse for top hat and tails.

Third from back left.
On stage at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Fourth back left as the Mad Hatter
Uni Theme Night

Gosh, blast from the past. I briefly moved into a house in Colchester after graduating with Tom, the dude next to me in the shades. On the front row, far left is Ann and far right is Kim from Without Words.

That's quite enough cringeworthy rememberising.

In now news, there's also an interview with me via Laine Cunningham who reviewed Rosy Hours the other day. Talking a little about the book, and about how I got my publisher.


  1. Now, that Graeme in the photo looks like a devilishly handsome fellow.....
